Wednesday, September 7, 2011

#16 Put Someone Else First

I haven't written any posts for about a week, and there are two reasons:

1) I got the measles (technically new thing #17, yay!) and I haven't been able to do anything.

2) I'm home, back in California.

I got news that my Dad was having heart problems so I cancelled the rest of my SE Asia trip to come home and help out. I've been in New Zealand and Australia for the past two years to get in touch with his side of the family and see where he's from and experience life from his perspective. I was worried that something would happen while I was out on the road, and I have so much to talk about with him now. Luckily, he;s doing better and the past few days with him and my mom and sister have been great.

I'm keeping the blog going because there are still plenty of things that I can do here that I haven't done, but it might be duller than if I were in SE Asia. I doubt I'll ride an elephant in San Dimas, although if one breaks out of a zoo and I ride that the post will be awesome. So both fingers crossed for poor zoo security.

Thanks to all of you who knew about my Dad. Your support and well wishes have been amazing and I appreciate every one. He's doing a lot better and the time we've spent together has been great. We even watched Dr. Zhivago together. Which leads me to my next post: #18 Watch a chick-flick with Dad.

It's weird but good.

So, thanks guys. It's good to be back!

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