Wednesday, August 24, 2011

#9 - See Motorcycles ride through a bar

If you hadn’t noticed, bars in Alice are friggin random – snake karaoke one night, motorcycles driving through the bar the next night. People in Alice just know how to cut loose. Must be the heat.

The back story behind the bikes in the bar is that my buddies and I walked past a place called Bo’s Saloon and just poked in for a look. Two jugs later we found out it was the day of a yearly tradition to honor a biker that hit a camel 13 years earlier and died as a result. Yup. The way they honor a biker who died hitting a camel over a decade ago is to drink heaps and then ride their bikes through the bar. It’s called “Fish’s Run.”

It was awesome.

They roped off a lane and just let the bikers blast through. Some revved it up, others just cruised, but the whoops and exhaust fumes will last in my ears, lungs, and memory for a long time.

God bless you Fish you stupid bastard, and God bless the camel that killed you and spawned this truly epic tribute. Glad I could see it.

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me, but here's the website, and the youtube clip, while it is from last year, is pretty spot on.

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